Best Practices When Requesting Technical Support For Your Jewelry Software

It goes without saying that good technical support is an important part of any software application for jewelers. BusinessMind Software for Jewelers offers the best customer support in the business. First response on most issues is on the same day and 60% of those are resolved immediately.

Following these five best practices will further reduce response and resolution times, getting you the help you need more quickly and efficiently.

1. Request assistance through the help portal whenever possible.

The best way to contact support is through our ticket based system by logging in at from your web browser. Once a support ticket is opened it's status can be tracked via the web based portal as well. The portal will also send email alerts when the status of your trouble ticket or question changes.  

While you can also contact support for assistance by phone and email, using the web portal to file tickets will improve response and resolution speed. Tickets opened in this way are given priority and are immediately visible to the entire support team.

2. Provide as much detail as possible about the issue when making a request for assistance.

When reporting an issue it is vital to include as much detail as possible. Begin by stating what you were trying to do, what the expected result was, and what actually happened. If the issue is reproducible, you should include the steps that an engineer should take to be able to reproduce the problem on their own system. If you can not reproduce the problem, include that comment in your ticket.

3. Provide accurate and complete information

When reporting an issue, please be sure that the information you report in your ticket is accurate. Following inaccurate details will lengthen the time it will take to resolve the issue.

Also, include as much information as possible about any changes that were recently made on your computer or network. Report facts, without speculation, as much as possible.

4. Avoid poor requests.

Poor requests have longer resolution times and are frustrating to all parties. These are some examples of poor support requests.

"It's broken!", or "It doesn't work!". Also, "I have a problem, call me asap!."

Support requests like these provide no information to the engineers that are handling them. They require multiple steps of communication back and forth between the engineer and the customer in order to get a good, full understanding of what is happening.

5. Avoid trying to fix it yourself first, unless you are sure you understand the problem well.

If you encounter something that seems like strange behavior, it's best to report it as it is, rather than to try to fix it yourself. If you don't fully understand an issue, you may make the problem worse. The engineer that will finally assist you with the problem will have to try to undo damage caused by your attempt at fixing it. This will lengthen the resolution time of the issue.