What's New In BusinessMind

Update 2023-11-13

Here at DCIT we’re always working to improve the BusinessMind platform by releasing new features, squashing bugs, and delivering fresh documentation. Here’s what we’ve been working on in the latest update.

Web/Mobile POS & Desktop Client

We’ve updated our TrackTech Integration to keep up with their latest API changes and we continued with the work to modernize our PDF rendering subsystems.

Bugs Squashed

  1. Fixed an issue where images in the contacts list view may not refresh after cache expiry.

  2. We’ve corrected an issue that could impact Xero Integration for customers that use VAT with certain specific configurations.

  3. Fixed an issue with date / time rendering which could occur in the Web/Mobile POS on certain systems.

  4. Fixed an issue in Web/Mobile and Desktop POS which prevented the ‘Number of Transactions’ data element from appearing on the customer overview screen.

  5. Corrected an issue with percent based discounts when batch generating returns from an invoice.

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